
FREE Workshops
(Limited Space!)

You must be a current student, faculty or staff member of Kent State University at Trumbull.

Video Recording Better Than a Cat

cat video recording a black basset hound
April 11 & April 12 (4:00-5:00pm)
Room 189 (to the left of the Library)
The same workshop is being offered on both days.
A 60 minute workshop that focuses upon in-studio camera work. You will be introduced to the basics of standard video recording in the Digital Media Production Center’s studio, using a Panasonic over-the-shoulder camera and a Canon C200 camera. This is an introduction to video concepts: mise-en-scène, framing, lighting, sound, and performance for the camera.
Space is limited, so please register!

Dining out on Your Digital Video

black basset hound in cooking costume with rubber chicken
April 18 & April 19 (4:00-5:00pm)
Library Computer Lab
The same workshop is being offered on both days.
A 60 minute workshop that introduces basic video and sound editing concepts, using a simple (free) online video editing program. Video footage to edit will be provided. This is an introduction to editing concepts that emphasize aethetic rules for making logical and coherent transitions between video shots—with and without sound. Inserting images, adding voice-over, creating visual and audio special effects, and adding subtitles will also be covered.
Space is limited, so please register!

It’s Good to Be in Green

black basset hound on green screen with flying saucers and Golum
April 25 & April 26 (4:00-5:00pm)
Library Computer Lab
The same workshop is being offered on both days.
A 60 minute workshop that offers very simple and practical ways to edit video that has been made with a green screen background and/or a green suit. Video footage to edit will be provided. You will learn how to impose images or additional video footage upon the green elements. This is an introduction to the possibilities, with some very basic hands-on experience.
Space is limited, so please register!

Co-sponsored by Trumbull Satellite and the Digital Media Production Center

For More Information, Contact:
Dr. Carol Robinson (