by Katie Lane The alarm goes off. 5 AM. Sometimes 6 AM. Always early, never late. Today is Wednesday. Three days until one of the most important races of my entire life. I lay in my warm bed, conflicted about getting up. Morning runs wake me up, but the thought of them drains me. No, I thought. I want to be the best, so I have to get up and run. I need to be the best. I roll myself out of bed and get dressed. The spring weather has been in Ohio for a few solid months now. For a while, the day would start with a light breeze…
When Feeling Blue
by Shaquille Williams When Feeling Blue When feeling blue do you canoe? Do you find a new passion, Do you find comfort in games, Do you watch movies, Do you meditate to the rain? When feeling brown can you go find your crown? Do you go and make cake, Do you make time for plans, Do you eat healthy foods, Do you lay in front of your fan? When feeling red what makes you feel how you said? Do you write down your thoughts, Do you make some new goals, Do you go and take pictures, Do you go out for a stroll? When feeling gold what makes you bold?…
P&LE Steel Factory and Wilson Middle School
CLICK HERE: P&LE Steel Factory and Wilson Middle School
Shark Painting
Capturing the Beauty of Kent Trumbull’s Campus
By: Ethan Steadman Throughout the end of the Fall 2022 semester, Ethan Steadman set out to capture photos of the Kent Trumbull campus. His photography captures the beauty of the campus by using different perspectives and editing techniques.
April 2023 Event: Recycle to Release Stress!
By: Nick Frantz Greenboard IT is the new kid on the block and kicking grass and recycling trash. Do you know what happens to your electronic devices when you throw them away, does it go to recycling or to a landfill? Greenboard IT has a green thumb when it comes to recycling E-waste. The company is run by local people from Trumbull County, who are passionate about keeping as much recyclable material out of the dump. It all started when two local people saw a lack of resources to recycle electronics. The local area is known for its scrap yards but the question is does a computer mostly made of…
Spread Your Wings: An Inspirational Poetry Collection
By: Joshua Bates Spread Your Wings When feeling inspired, know dedication is required But don’t hold back, spread your wings! It’s ok to remain grounded, but to leave others dumbfounded You mustn’t let others pull your strings Soar on and don’t look back Even in dedication or fright For a mindset unfocused on the present moment May cause an eagle to lose its flight So many fledglings have dreams and ideas That remain immature due to malnutrition How is one to fly from Ohio to St. Lucia If you fail to remain tasked on the initial mission! Keep gliding, spread your wings further, do whatever it takes Imagine if you…
Roll On
by Hannah McNamara
The Hallway
by Dominic Vehar
War and Isolation
by Dominic Vehar