Interview with Dr. Peggy Shadduck
by Nicholas Lilly Interview of Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean of the College of Applied and Technical Studies, Kent State University Interview by Nicholas Lilly, Kent State University Trumbull Student
The Case for Solar Energy
by Kyle Lambert No matter what your stance is politically, economically, or ethically, there is no denying that the energy sources the world uses today are unsustainable. There is simply no way to create more petroleum or natural gas. Current estimations of how much oil is left on Earth sit within the range of 50-75 years at current consumption rates, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Alternative energy sources such as solar provide electricity generated from the sun’s energy rather than fossil fuels. There are two types of solar energy: concentrated solar power and photovoltaic power. Concentrated solar power (CSP) works similarly to how we currently use fossil fuels to…
My Self-Improvement Journey
by Tyler Kish A lot of the stories I hear nowadays are negative because of the pandemic. I am personally tired of hearing all these negative stories and wanted to share a positive one. I will be talking about the new habits I have formed during the pandemic that have improved my life and share with you how you can do the same thing! I call this, my self-improvement journey. It was towards the end of summer in 2020 when I decided to stop drinking pop. I chose to do this because I was drinking multiple cans every day, and I knew it was not healthy. At first it was…
The New Normal
by Snezana Jelic Let’s rewind the clock. The date is March 11, 2020. Schools and businesses across the nation have just shut down. Domestic and international travel operations are ceased. Several hundred travelers have been detained at military quarantine facilities. World leaders are preparing to order nationwide lockdowns, curfews are soon to be implemented, and the military police will be deployed to enforce a new code of law. At the local grocery store, frantic citizens are panic buying paper towels, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, and canned goods. The future is uncertain. At 12:00 noon, the World Health Organization declares a global state of emergency. In the coming months,…
It Starts with YOU! Promoting Peace and Civil Discourse in Our Lives
by Valerie Dalrymple On the heels of a year plagued by a pandemic, a combative presidential election, rising violence in the form of mass shootings, and an increased awareness of social inequities and injustice, Kent State Trumbull senior English student Valerie Dalrymple decided to do something positive. In January she began planning “It Starts with You: Promoting Peace and Civil Discourse in Our Lives.” The free and virtual event was be held on Tuesday, May 4, from 2-5 pm. Dalrymple chose May 4 because of its historical context for Kent State University. “In politics, social media, and even our personal lives, people are working to hurt others through humiliation, ostracization,…
Good Health, Good Life
by Duriel Diggs It is time for young people to take preventative measures when it comes to health. for a long time, we as young people are tricked in to believing that just because we are young. that we do not have to take the necessary steps to prevent certain diseases. these could be things that our passed down through genetics or something that you developed over time. my main join for the satellite is to make everyone who visit more health conscious. the fact that we have people under 40 suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure is alarming and I think with this. platform we could change the…
Embroidery Art: Walking Amongst The Stars
by Keith Richmond Walking Amongst The Stars is an art piece that shows a girl made out of embroidery filled with white paint to give her the biggest focal point of the piece. I created this piece for pure enjoyment and it does not have any hidden meaning behind it. I thought the idea was really interesting and just went with it. The girl in the art piece is walking on clouds that have a sunset behind them. The sunset is made out of watercolor, this allows for it to look softer and have less of a presence. The sunset gives the clouds various color definitions allowing for the oranges…
Embroidery Art: Looking For Honey
by Keith Richmond The artwork I have created is an embroidery piece that uses different shades of brown to make a geometric bear. Each shade helps represent the movement of the bear and gives it more flow. The direction of the string helps show the bear is not flat and adds value to the bear to make it look more detailed. The materials I used to create this art piece are embroidery floss, Muslin cloth, and an embroidery hoop. When I first started I had to sketch out the geometric shapes and make sure that is what a sketched bear would look like. I ended up having to redo it…
Embroidery Art: Melting Away
by Keith Richmond I created this piece of art using embroidery. This piece of art shows how the life a person lives and all the pressures around them starts to melt them slowly away and leaves nothing behind. I really personally like the idea of this piece. The reason I like it so much is that I like the message that this piece portrays. I used embroidery to make this art piece and no other forms of media. When I first started the creation process I started with the inside of the head. To create this type of texture and kind of abstract look I used a stitch called a…
The Wonders of Mundanity
by Jagger Raines It has been over a year since everything changed in the wake of the ongoing global pandemic. In over twenty years of being on this planet, I never expected to live through such a time of uncertainty and immeasurable change. Add all of the events that occurred over the past year with an anxious college student and what do you get? A slightly less anxious college student who is a lot more introspective and willing to find levity in such uncertain times. Although quarantine has taken me through multiple emotional highs and lows, I feel as though it has helped me come to a better understanding of…